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Progress of the Week - June Week 1

Ready for some news? I think it should be done ages ago, but at least we are making the post.


What we did last week: First of all, let's put the truth out. We did NOT do much work this week. I was down last week for a couple of days due to some privacy problems. Well at least I am back with a good mood now. Kerem told me that he wanted to take this week to study for his exams and relax a bit, to be back fully powered on the next week.{(a.k.a. this week) -Sidenote: We will not do much progress in this and the next week too, because I'll be away for studying for my exams aswell.} The Rise of Hackon: Finally I am proud to anounce that... I started working on the background musics of our game. The tracks will be available at my channel (Link avialable at the Info Section of our page). The tracks will be written via FamiTracker and edited via Audacity. I started some (actually two) music projects, but didn't do much progress on them. They only last for 3-5 seconds. The other thing is I am still learning how to use FamiTracker so cut me some slack if the track's not good. :P I also did some finalizing on the conversation with the guide-guy, but it is not finished yet. Last of all is that we finished a new item, The Kniv. The item description needs to be done and then five items are ready to be coded. We think that we will add items up to 20 or something.


What we will do untill next week: The Rise of Hackon: Working on the side frames of Hackon. He should be done at least untill now. Also I may start coding the intro, it will consume huge amounts of time, that's one point. The last thing is the two background music projects I made, they are fun to do. Gotta admit it.


As always, thank you for reading this far. It really means a lot to us. Allthough this is not a proper blog, I still call it one, I know that. I also know that I write a bit emotional in the outros, please don't get sad or mad at me. :P These things are always fun to write and writing about our weekly progresses is also something so that you guys are aware that we try to work each day, at least half an hour. Sincerely, Emre

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